Saturday, September 02, 2006

Carnivorous Kid

Yeah, that's me.


Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that you STILL look like that when you are shoving steak into your mouth! Very, very cute, baby Erin.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and is that YOUR wine in front of you? You Catholics.

lovemily88 said...

omg, i LOVE this!!! sorry about me and my lameness yesterday. don't worry, i'll make it up to you with a gorgeous prime rib.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture - the muted colours, the goden curls.

Anonymous said...

Ahh- what a nice blast from the past... I'm finally getting around to reading your blog girly girl and soooo enjoying it... Before I had Sydney and Ellis I was much more of a foodie too! Somehow I am just like "nana"- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say. I get a little nutty when the kids are in the kitchen when I am trying to cook (especially now in my ever so teeny tiny kitchen). You would have been impressed with my pulling off our family Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in that teeny space!!!
xo your "god mom".
(Sydney just said wow I've never heard of a "God" mother"

Erin said...

Thanks guys! Jeanne, it's sooo good to hear from you! :) Yeah, my mom told me that she thinks this picture is a product of Joe putting me up to shoving the steak in my mouth...somehow I bet that is the truth. I know you are a fantastic cook, even with kids, you made your own baby food, right? Funny how you got the "Nana" qualities while my mom just prefers to leave the kitchen. Last time we walked in the door after a long drive home, I think her first words were, "Hi, baby...oh, I'm so glad you are here so you can cook dinner and I can drink my wine in the living room." :) Gotta love it. Say hi to Syd, Ellis and Keith! xoxo